1.1. SQL Review#

Last updated: October 12, 2024

This is a review of Data 100 SQL syntax, plus more.

In this course, we’ll cover three types of data systems in this course—dataframes, relational databases, and Spark. This note will focus on the relational data model and a review of SQL—the language used to interact with relational data systems.

Structured Query Language, or SQL (pronounced “sequel”), is a high-level data transformation language supported by relational databases and other data systems like Spark. It is declarative rather than imperative, meaning:

  • Describes what rather than how

  • It’s query-centric rather than code-centric

1.1.1. PostgreSQL#

This course uses a dialect or flavor of SQL called PostgreSQL (also known as Postgres; see pronunciation). PostgreSQL is also the eponymous free, open-source database management system (DBMS) that is SQL-compliant. We’ll discuss DBMSes thoroughly throughout this course.

We draw broadly from the PostgreSQL documentation for much of the SQL syntax, conventions, and concepts in this course. When in doubt, clarify with the official documentation. If there is an inconsistency between the documentation and the course notes, please post on our course forums so we can update the course notes. Thanks!

1.1.2. SQL Query Order of Execution#

You have likely had some experience with other SQL dialects—perhaps duckDB, or SQLite. This note therefore starts with a quick refresher of the SQL query structure, to make for easy reference. The rest of this note follows with conceptual explanations and details.

As a declarative language, SQL statements are not evaluated left-to-right, top-to-bottom. Instead, each SQL query is meant to read like English. The execution order, however, evaluates certain clauses in the query before other clauses in the query. Conceptually:

SELECT S                -- 5
FROM R1, R2, ...        -- 1
WHERE C1                -- 2
GROUP BY A1, A2, ...    -- 3
HAVING C2;              -- 4

Order of evaluation:

  1. FROM: Fetch the tables and compute the cross product of the relations R1, R2,

  2. WHERE: For each tuple from 1, keep only those that satisfy condition C1

  3. GROUP BY: Create groups of tuples by A1, A2, etc. At this time, for each group, compute all aggregates needed for C2 and S (below).

  4. HAVING: For each group, check if condition C2 is satisfied.

  5. SELECT: Add to output based on attribute set S.

Note that WHERE is therefore a row filter that happens before groups are made, whereas HAVING is a group filter that happens after groups are made.


By convention, SQL keywords are in all caps, e.g., SELECT *, while attributes are in lowercase.


End queries with a semicolon.

1.1.3. The Relational Data Model#

Let’s start with terminology drawn from the relational data model. The relational data model is the primary abstraction of the SQL landscape.

A relation is a collection of tuples, each with a predefined collection of attributes. Each attribute has a type, called a domain, which must be atomic (e.g., string or integer). The order of the tuples in a relation does not matter. Relational algebra, the theoretical foundation of SQL, assumes that relations are sets of tuples. Generally, SQL relations allow for duplicate tuples, but also does not guarantee that tuples are stored in a particular order.

The schema of a relation is a list of attribute names and their domains (the data types associated with each attribute). The schema often includes the relation name itself, if it exists. For example, in the IMDb dataset, the schema for the title relation is:

title (title_id String, ordering Integer, title String,
        region String, language String...)

An instance is a specific instantiation of the relation, i.e., tuples with specific values. This word is used less often, but we define it here to draw attention to the idea that a relation could hold different tuples over time.

In general, think relation as a table of data whose columns (i.e., attributes) are organized according to a specific relational schema. You will hear “relation” and “table” used interchangeably, though the former is more specific (as we will see when we discuss Relational Algebra). A relational database is a collection of relations, which are often related to each other according to some database schema or relational schema.


Let’s start simple. Below is the SELECT FROM WHERE (SFW) query structure, the most standard SQL query structure to extract records from a relation:

SELECT attributes
FROM tables
WHERE condition about tuples in tables;

Remember—SQL is a declarative language! Instead of evaluating the SQL query from first to last line, it is evaluated like so:

  1. FROM clause: lists the table

  2. WHERE clause: filters for the matching tuples

  3. SELECT clause: filters for the specified attributes. SELECT list of expressions#

SELECT can employ:

  • Renamed attributes with AS

  • Expressions

  • Case statements

  • Many more functions (string, date-time…) FROM clause#

The FROM clause can include either table names separated by commas (implying a cross join, or cross product of all tuples), or expressions involving table JOINs. We cover JOINs in a separate section. WHERE clause#

The WHERE clause can include logical operators (e.g., AND, OR, NOT) or comparison operators (=, >=, <> equivalently !=, etc.). Postgres documentation:

The attributes used in the WHERE clause do not necessarily need to be included in the SELECT list, but they should be discoverable from the tables (or their aliases, if they exist) identified in the FROM clause.

Scalar subquery: We discuss subqueries in much more detail in a separate section, but note that you can use SELECT-FROM-WHERE subqueries in the WHERE condition, provided that they are scalar. A scalar subquery returns a single value (e.g., a single tuple with a single attribute value) and can subsequently be treated as a scalar in a larger expression.

To find the ids of stops with the oldest individuals:

SELECT s1.id
FROM stops AS s1
WHERE s1.age >= (
    SELECT MAX(age) FROM stops AS s2

Note that we alias the second stops relation.

1.1.5. Aggregations#

We can also aggregate a column in a SELECT clause according to a particular aggregation function: SUM, MIN, MAX, AVG, COUNT, etc.

SELECT MAX(age), AVG(age)
FROM stops;

The above query computes the minimum and maximum values of the age attribute from the stops relation. To be more specific, the return value of the above SQL query is an unnamed relation with a single tuple; the relation schema contains two numeric types:

 max | avg
 32  | 25.3

The precise attribute names (above, max and avg) varies based on SQL flavor and may contain the atribute itself (e.g., MAX(age), avg(age), etc.).

COUNT(*) uses the special asterisk symbol (*) to count the number of tuples.


returns the number of tuples in the stops relation. Aggregation Examples#

Aggregation expression can include SQL keywords and even subqueries (we discuss subqueries in much more detail in a separate section).

NULL values are not involved in aggregation: The below query counts total rows, counts non-null ages, and computes average age. The first two attributes could have different values if there are NULL ages.

FROM stops;

DISTINCT removes duplicates prior to aggregation. Read more about how NULL values are considered.

FROM stops;

1.1.6. Grouping#

In some cases, we may want to compute an aggregate for each “group” of tuples as opposed to an overall COUNT, MAX or SUM. To do so, we add a GROUP BY clause after the SELECT-FROM-WHERE. For example, say we wanted to find average and minimum ages for each location:

SELECT location, AVG(age) AS avgage, MIN (age) as minage
FROM stops
GROUP BY location;

Notably, if aggregation is used, then each element of the SELECT clause must either be an aggregate or an attribute in the GROUP BY list. This is because if an attribute is not being aggregated or being grouped, we have no way to “squish” the values down per group.

Also note that AVG (and other aggregations) ignore null values; we discuss this more below.

Postgres supports many aggregate statistics: standard deviation, covariance, regression slope/intercept, correlation coefficient, and more. Say we wanted to find the median age of stopped people:

FROM stops;

We can also use more sophisticated syntax in GROUP BYs; for example, the following query computes the average ages of stops across various days for West Oakland and Rockridge individually:

SELECT days,
    AVG (CASE WHEN location = 'West Oakland' THEN age ELSE NULL END) AS west_oakland_avg,
    AVG (CASE WHEN location = 'Rockridge' THEN age ELSE NULL END) AS rockridge_avg
FROM stops
GROUP BY days;

In the above query, we compute the averages using a CASE statement. HAVING#

Suppose we want to filter a GROUP BY on some condition. We can use a HAVING clause, which typically comes after a GROUP BY. The HAVING condition is applied to each group, and groups not satisfying the condition are eliminated. For example, say we wanted to compute the locations with at least 30 stops:

SELECT location, COUNT (*)
FROM stops
GROUP BY location
HAVING COUNT (*) > 30;

Similarly to SELECT clauses, each attribute mentioned in a HAVING clause must either be part of the GROUP BY or be aggregated.

1.1.7. Symbols and Additional Keywords# The asterisk (*)#

The asterisk (*) is a wildcard character that selects all attributes from the table. It can be used in place of any explicit parameter. For example:

FROM Title;

The above query effectively gets all tuple and all attributes from the Title table by doing the following:

  • FROM: Gets the Title table

  • WHERE: Applies the all-pass filter onto tuples

  • SELECT *: Gets all attributes

It can also be used in aggregations to denote no explicit parameter, e.g., COUNT(*).

Read more in the PostgreSQL docs, Section 4.1.4. AS#

The AS keyword serves several purposes. In the SELECT and FROM clauses, it functions as a renamer, which creates aliases for attributes or tables, respectively.

  a.title_id AS title_id,
  a.title AS aka_title,
  t.title AS orig_title
  akas a,
  titles t;

As a syntactic shortcut, the AS keyword can sometimes be omitted, as above in the FROM clause. See the “Omitting the AS keyword” section of the Postgres documentation. Based on the Mozilla SQL style guide, best practices are to prefer explicit use of AS.

Depending on when/where you create an alias using AS, you may need to use that alias throughout the query:

  • In the FROM clause, the table alias completely hides the actual name of the table, and the alias must be used throughout in WHERE, SELECT, etc.

  • In the SELECT clause, the alias is not created until the SELECT list of expressions is computed.

  • For more, read the official SELECT SQL Command documentation and search for “alias”. CAST#

Casting converts one attribute type to another. For example, suppose that runtime_minutes were an integer, and we wanted to compute runtime_hours, with reasonable precision. Also suppose that premiered was a string, but should be interpreted as an integer year:

SELECT primary_title, type,
     CAST(premiered AS INTEGER) AS release_year,
     CAST(runtime_minutes AS
FROM titles;

See Chapter 8 of the Postgres documentation for a list of valid data types. NULL#

Tuples can have NULL values for attributes (e.g., if missing, inapplicable to the current tuple, or unknown), which we need to take note of when performing queries. SQL uses a three-logical system, meaning that NULLs do not satisfy boolean conditions. For example, if a tuple value is NULL, born < 2023 and born >= 2023 will both evaluate to FALSE. This leads to some unintuitive behavior, for example:

SELECT born FROM people WHERE born < 2023 OR born >= 2023;

The above query will return all tuples that don’t have a NULL born value, not all the tuples in the relation! If we want all the tuples, we need to explicitly test for NULL:

SELECT born FROM people WHERE born < 2023 OR born IS NULL;

For aggregations, NULL values are generally excluded. For example, the average of a column will be the average of all the non-null values in that column. However, if all the values in the column are NULL, the aggregation will also return NULL.

Read more about the three-valued logic system of SQL. CASE#

The CASE keyword enables conditional expressions. We refer you to the PostgreSQL docs Section 9.18 for more information. DISTINCT#

The DISTINCT keyword removes duplicate rows from the current result set. The following query returns all unique (title, title_id) tuples from the titles table:

SELECT DISTINCT primary_title, title_id
FROM titles;

DISTINCT may also be used in aggregation. The following counts all distinct years by removing duplicates prior to aggregation:

FROM titles;

To specify distinctness on a subset of attributes, see the DISTINCT Postgres documentation.